SIMS Hospital celebrated IndianOrgan Donation day, by paying tribute !!

SIMS Hospital celebrated IndianOrgan Donation day, by paying tribute
Sims Hospital celebrated IndianOrgan Donation day,
SIMS Hospital celebrated IndianOrgan Donation day, by paying tribute to the altruistic individuals who have profou ndly impacted lives through the selfle ss act of organ donation.
Chennai, August 3rd, 2024 : SIMS Hospi tal celebrated IndianOrgan Donation d ay, by paying tribute to the altruistic in dividuals who have profoundly impact ed lives through the selfless act of orga n donation. SIMS Hospital invited don or families and launched a wall of hop e by displaying donor photos as a tribu te to for their selfless act. Dr. M. Ravi, PS (For mer DGP, Greater Chennai Police) pledg ed his support for organ donat ion and in spired others.
The donors who made significant cont ributions in different age groups inclu des, Mr. Pattabiraman, a man of enor mous compassion and strong spirit, co ntinues to impress with his incredible philanthropy. Four people now have a chance to live because to his organ do nation. Mr. Ganapathi Akash, a passio onate and skilled football player, died too soon, yet his legacy lives on via his followers. His organ donation saved 6 lives. Mr. Akash, a talented young don or, left an impression on everyone. His organ donation shows his empathy an d saved 5 lives.
Dr. Bhuvaneswari, a champion and CO VID warrior in difficult times, spent he r life saving 6 lives. Organ donation wa s a direct result of her virtue. Mr.Stan islava us, a meticulous and determined donor, is honoured for saving 5 lives. Organ do nation shows his compassion. Donor Al truistic Mr. Raja, who always supports his family, inspires others. Hi s organ do nation gave seven families hope. Donor Mr. Sudhakar’s willingnes s to help and his generosity saved 4 lives.
During the occasion Dr. M. Ravi, IPS st ated “Organ transplantation is more t han a medical marvel; it’s a heroic te stament to the indomitable human spi rit. Let us elevate organ donation to a symbol of honor and collectively com mit to this life-affirming endeavor.”
Dr. Ravi Pachamuthu, Chairman, SRM group said “More than just a name, the h ope, bravery, and empathy of donors an d their families shine through. Many pe ople have been given a second life beca use of their kindness. Organ dona tion gives people hope when times are toug gh. We must establish a culture that app reciates kindness. In honouring the don ors and their families, SIMS Hospitaal is overjoyed and proud”.