Chennai Gears Up for the Second Editi on of HCL Cyclothon

Chennai Gears Up for the Second Editi on of HCL Cyclothon

Race is scheduled on October 6, 2024 a nd will start and finish at Mayajaal Multi plex, ECR, Chennai.
The theme is #ChangeYourGear which f ocuses on the transformative power of c ycling and its positive impact on individ ual well-being.
Chennai, July 18, 2024: HCL Group, a le ading global conglomerate, today annou unced the launch of the second edition o f the HCL Cyclothon Chennai 2024. Unv eiling event details and the registration process, HCL extended an invitation to c ycling enthusiasts and the local commun ity. Following two successful editions in Noida and one in Chennai with participa tion from over 5000 cyclists, the HCL Cy clothon Chennai 2024 will take place on October 6, 2024, starting from Mayajaal Multiplex. Powered by the Sports Dev el opment Authority of Tamil Nadu (SDAT) and under the aegis of the Cycling Feder ration of India, this event offers an impr essive prize pool of Rs 33 lakhs. Registr ations are open until September 22, 202 4. For more details, visit
Dr. Atulya Misra (IAS), Additional Chief Secretary at the Government of Tamil N adu, and Meghanatha Reddy, Member S ecretary of the Sports Development Au thority of Tamil Nadu (SDAT), were pres esent as the chief guests. Dignitaries su ch as Onkar Singh, Secretary General at the Asian Cycling Confederation and Su ndar Mahalingam, President of Strategy at HCL Corporation, were also present to announce the Second Edition of HCL Cyclothon Chennai.
The theme of this edition is #ChangeYo urGear emphasizing the transformative power of cycling and its positive impact on individual well-being and environm ental sustainability. The previous editio n of HCL Cyclothon Chennai was held in October 2023 and witnessed the partici pation of over 1100 cyclists pedaling on the ECR Road. The race will start and fin ish at Mayajaal Multiplex, covering a rou te that includes MGM Dizzee World, Dh anlakshmi Srinivasan College of Engine ering, and Mattukadu Boat House, with the route tailored as per different cate hgories.
Present at the launch event, Dr. Atulya Mishra, Additional Chief Secretary, Gov t. of Tamil Nadu said,“We are excited to witness the second edition of the HCL Cyclothon in Chennai. HCL’s dedication to promoting sports and fitness through such initiatives is commendable. This ev ent not only fosters community spirit an d athleticism but also contributes to a h ealthier future for our city. By encoura ging active participation in sports, HCL is making a positive impact on Chennai’s development.”
Commenting on the announcement, Mr. Sundar Mahalingam, President of Strate gy at HCL Group, said, “By cultivating a culture of cycling, we aspire to inspire in dividuals and communities to come tog ether, stay active, and contribute to a gr eener, healthier environment, truly emb odying our brand purpose, ‘Human Pote ntial Multiplied’. Through HCL Cyclotho n, we aim to transform the cycling lands cape in India by motivating people to ta ke up cycling not just as a sport but as th eir way to a healthy lifestyle.
Remarking on the launch announceme nt, Mr. Onkar Singh, Secretary General at the Asian Cycling Federation said, “O ur combined efforts with HCL to prom ote cycling as both a lifestyle and a com petitive sport are truly admirable. The ri se of cycling in India is inspiring, and wit h HCL’s significant contributions, we loo k forward to a bright and exciting future for the sport in the country.” Cycling Fed eration of India, the national governing body of cycle racing in India will provide technical support basis their knowledge and expertise.
The event aims to provide a platform for professional and amateur cyclists to sho wcase their talent and inspire a new gen eration to take up cycling as a sport in In dia. The event details are as follows:
Category Description Age-group Dista nce.
Professionals (CFI-certified cyclists) O nly CFI-licensed cyclists can partici pa te in this category.
Prize money will be given to the top 10 male and female finishers including the top 3 female and male teams.
18-35 years
55km Road Race
This is open for the Road Race and MTB (mountain bike) categories.
Prize money to be given to the top 3 ma les and females across age categories- 18-30, 30-40,40-50 and 50+
Elite: 18-35 years;
Masters: 35+ years
55km Road race
24km Road race
Category Description Age-group Dista nce
Green Ride
It’s a non-competitive ride to encourage cycling as an activity to stay fit and healthy.
16+ years
About HCL
Founded in 1976 as one of India’s origin al IT garage start-ups, HCL is a pioneer of modern computing with many firsts to its credit, including the introduction of the 8-bit microprocessor-based comp uter in 1978 well before its global peers. Today, the HCL enterprise has a presenc e across varied sectors that include tech nology, healthcare and talent managem ent solutions and comprises three comp anies – HCL Infosystems, HCL Technolo gies and HCL Healthcare. The enterpris e generates annual revenues of over US $13.4 billion with over 219,000 employ ees operating across 60 countries. For further information, visit