Press Release

Bharti Airtel Foundation launches ‘Bharti Airtel Scholarship Program !!

Bharti Airtel Foundation launches ‘Bharti Airtel Scholarship Program’

An ambition to empower 4000 students with an outlay of 100+ cr annually

Featuring top 9 colleges of Tamil Nadu as per the NIRF Ranking 2023 (Engineering)

  • 100% college fee covered with a provision of laptop for all Bharti Scholars
  • To benefit students enrolled in undergraduate (UG)/Integrated Tech courses in Top 50 NIRF (Engineering) colleges
  • Scholarship will be provided to students with an annual family income not exceeding ₹ 8.5 lacs
  • The first batch will support 250 students, commemorating 25 years of the Bharti Airtel Foundation

Chennai, 16th July 2024: Bharti Airtel Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Bharti Enterprises, is commemorating its 25 years with the launch of a prestigious ‘Bharti Airtel Scholarship Program’.  This merit-cum-means based Scholarship Program aims to support deserving students from diverse socio-economic backgrounds with a focus on girl students, pursuing Technology-based Engineering UG and integrated programs (up to 5 years) in the top 50 National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) (Engineering) colleges, including IIT Madras, National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli, Vellore Institute of Technology, Anna University, S.R.M. Institute of Science and Technology, Shanmugha Arts Science Technology & Research Academy, Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering and others. This will be applicable to students eligible for admissions in August 2024. Starting this year with 250 students, the Program is designed to scale up incrementally with its successful implementation through each cohort. The ambition is to expand reach to 4,000 scholars with an outlay of ₹ 100+ cr per year as the Program reaches its peak.

The fully funded scholarship is envisaged to dissolve the financial barriers that hinder access to quality education for meritorious students, especially from disadvantaged backgrounds. The scholarship will be provided to students with an annual family income not exceeding ₹ 8.5 lacs. The Bharti Airtel Scholarships will focus on UG and integrated courses in fields of Electronics & Communication, Telecom, Information Technology, Computer Sciences, Data Sciences, and Emerging Technologies (AI, IoT, AR/VR, Machine Learning, Robotics) at the top 50 NIRF (Engineering) colleges.

Recipients of this scholarship will be known as ‘Bharti Scholars’.  They will receive 100% of their college fees throughout the duration of their course and will also be given a laptop. Additionally, hostel and mess fees shall be given to all eligible students who apply for it. With an underlying philosophy to ensure that the benefits accrued through enabling access to quality higher education remain perennial, Bharti Scholars will be encouraged to support at least 1 student on a continuous basis, voluntarily, once they graduate & are subsequently gainfully employed. This transformative, enduring initiative will shape lives and enable the youth to partake in the economic opportunities and growth of India.

Rakesh Bharti Mittal, Vice Chairman of Bharti Enterprises and Co-Chairman of Bharti Airtel Foundation said, “As we reflect on the last 25 years, the Bharti Airtel Foundation is proud to have touched 6 million+ lives through our educational initiatives. With this pioneering Bharti Airtel Scholarship Program, we are expanding our commitment to empower students from diverse socio-economic backgrounds, particularly girl students, to achieve academic excellence and pursue their dreams. We firmly believe that education is the cornerstone of societal progress and economic empowerment. The selected institutes have always showcased a confluence of exemplary learning and accessible education to students across different strata. Our endeavour is to strengthen these tenets in Indian academia, towards nurturing professionals equipped to handle the dynamic evolution of the technological landscape of tomorrow.”

More details about the Bharti Airtel Scholarship Program can be found on the website: bharti-airtel-scholarship /

About Bharti Airtel Foundation

Bharti Airtel Foundation was set up in the year 2000 as the philanthropic arm of Bharti Enterprises with a vision, ‘To help underprivileged children and youth of our country realize their potential.’ The Foundation works in the space of holistic quality education in rural India with a special focus on the girl child; and also supports Higher Education programs in partnership with premier institutions. Since 2006, the flagship, Satya Bharti School Program has been providing free quality education to thousands of underprivileged children in 164 schools in rural India across four states. At present nearly 36,000 children are enrolled in Satya Bharti Schools of which over 50% are girls. The impact of quality education has been widened by transferring the learning and good practices of this program to more than 3.7 lakh students studying in 880 partnering government schools across 12 States/UTs, through Quality Support Program (QSP), since 2013. In addition, Bharti Airtel Foundation was invited by several education officers at district and state level to scale up some of the initiatives through QSP State Partnerships. Bharti Abhiyan, the sanitation initiative, from 2014 till 2021, has benefitted over 2 lakh beneficiaries by improving sanitation conditions in the districts of Punjab, providing access to toilets and by fostering behavioural change in communities. The Foundation has been able to impact over 3 million children in a meaningful manner through its education programs since inception.

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