
Cath Labige and Coronary Caro Unit) is proud to announce the launch !!

Cath Labige and Coronary Caro Unit) is proud to announce the launch !!

Chennai, Newmber 14 2024) The Sermas Group, prominent co glomerate Inown for its commitment to social responsibility is proud to announce the ina guration of for has proudly Inaugurated) a state-of-the-art Catheteriation Lalioratory (Cath Labij and Coronary Caro Unit CCU at The Voluntary Health Services (VHS) hospital. This initiative, coried out under the Samar Group’s Corporate Social Responsibilty (CSR) program, complies the e company’s unwavering commitment to enhancing public health and well-being.

This slarificant contabutkin hospital renowned for its dedication to inclusive healthcare from The Sanmar Greup to VIS Infrastructure. The new Cardiac facility will strengthen Siso now berefited from upgraciest comprehensive nsive cardiac care o providing high-ocality to all, embodying the principles of accessiblity, availability and efferdalilty. This Carcloc unit at VHS supported by the expertise of Medras Medical Mission (MMM) Cardiac Specialists, further ensuring the patients receive word-dass cardiac care

The newly established Cath Lab anil Coronary Care Unit at Vits Unit at Vits are equipped with sevanter medical

techvilegy designed to supert diagnostics, Intervention, and pettent monitoring. This development will empower the medical team to deliver promet and efficient certiac treatments, improving patient outcomes and saving lives. With the Cath Lab in place, VHS will be bener postomed to handle complex cardiac procedures, including angkigrams, angioplestes, and went placements, athensing the rege and lepth of cermiac care services wilate to patients. Speaking at the inauguration, Mr. Vijay Sanitar, Chairman of The Sarmal Group Trust, wed, “Our

commitinent to fostering community well being it of the heart of our Est octaller. We are proud to

partner with

NOD hospital with η περωτωnon for exellence and welcation to vertog a

sections of society through the ineative, we aim to ensure that antibus, nespects of ther economic textgrauita, Auve access to crucial candles sensices without comprinide on quality Prof 5. Suresh, Honorary Secretary of VHS wipressed grantudo, alaning, “The aerous coctet from The Sanmar Goun marks a new chapter srow ability to penude te ociated care With

pradedforivides, we sun deliver tmely, ife-soup warment and enhance uw rore mission of these upon accessιδίλης αξοντοβίλης από σταλιώλης της partnershin forces shed son of

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